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Emergency Procedures for Inflatables

Emergency Procedures for Inflatable Moonwalks

What To Do When the Unexpected Happens

When you have a moonwalk at your house, you’re in charge! Moonwalks are fun and easy to watch, but occasionally you might have issues. If something goes wrong, try these suggestions to get back on track.

Loss of Power

If the inflatable loses power, don’t panic! Help the kids exit the unit quickly but don’t scare them- most moonwalks have enough air in them to sink gently to the ground, making it tricky to walk but a soft landing. Usually, there is only a roof above and plenty of ventilation through the windows- a child is more likely to hurt themselves in a panic than they are to get injured by the inflatable itself.

Someone should immediately check to make sure the blower hasn’t been turned off or unplugged. Check extension cords as well. It’s likely someone pulled the plug from the outlet or tripped over an extension cord and unplugged it. Turn the blower back on and the unit will quickly re-inflate.

If the unit became unplugged because it moved and pulled the plug from the outlet, your unit is not secured well enough. Check the stakes or sandbags and make sure the kids are not playing too wildly (ie, throwing themselves against the walls.)

If everything is still plugged in and turned on, check your fuse box or breaker box. If the breaker has been tripped, see what else is on that same circuit before turning it back on. The circuit is overloaded. Either unplug other items on the same circuit or plug the inflatable into a different outlet on a different circuit.

If other items still work on that outlet (test it with a hair dryer) then the blower is damaged. Call your inflatable rental company and let them know what happened. If anything unusual happened before the blower stopped working (rain, something spilled on blower, somthing hit the blower) be sure to let the rental company know so they can determine how to fix the problem.

Inclement Weather


Winds can be dangerous. Most moonwalks carry a notice saying they must be deflated when the winds exceed 25 mph. How do you know how much 25 mph is? The following wind observation table was compiled by the US National Weather Service.

Wind Speed (MPH) Wind Effects Observed on Land Terms Used in NWS Forecasts
0-1 Calm; smoke rises vertically. Calm
1-3 Direction of wind shown by smoke drift, but not by wind vanes. Light
4-7 Wind felt on face, leaves rustle,ordinary vane moved by wind. Light
8-12 Leaves and small twigs in constant motion; wind extends light flag. Gentle
13-18 Raises dust and loose paper; small branches are moved. Moderate
19-24 Small trees in leaf begin to sway; crested wavelets form on inland waters. Fresh
25-31 Large branches in motion; whistling heard in telephone wires; umbrellas used with difficulty. Strong
32-38 Whole trees in motion; inconvenience felt walking against the wind. Strong

When conditions hit the 25-31 MPH zone, have all children exit the inflatable and turn the power to the blower off. If at any time you notice the wind starting to lift the inflatable off the ground, clear the unit of riders and turn it off until the wind subsides.


Ask the moonwalk company about their policies on rain- there are many different ways to deal with rain conditions. Regardless of how the inflatable unit is to be handled, do not use the moonwalk in rainy conditions. Wet vinyl is slippery and children are more likely to fall and knock into each other.

In general, most companies prefer you leave the unit up and running in light rain as the air pressure prevents too much water from getting into the base. If the rain looks like it’s going to last a while or be heavy, do the following:

If you are handling the unit yourself (from a pick-up location), these tips will make a world of difference. Your moonwalk rental company may have different requirements for rainy conditions, so be sure to ask. If you don’t know what else to do, follow the steps above.

Be aware some companies charge an extra cleaning fee for units caught out in the rain- enquire about that before making a decision whether or not to go on with the party.

Have fun and be prepared!

© Copyright Notice Moonwalk Rental Directory 2001-2004

Emergency Moonwalk Procedures reprinted courtesy of the National Moonwalk Rental Directory.